
Structural Integration

Structural Integration is a system of bodywork or tissue manipulation working towards bringing balance and awareness to your body through your connective tissue (i.e. fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nervous system). As a practitioner, I am able to give my clients a tactile sense of what it means to be fully aware of their body and to have greater insight into what their body is trying to inform them of. Taking note of the changes that occur throughout the day that may have gone unnoticed in the past will connect the dots for previous pain patterns allowing for greater control over their long-term wellbeing.





In your first session, we will complete an in-depth health questionnaire to understand your body's history. This will include any injuries and/or accidents as well as any issues you would like to address as we progress in working together.


Before we move to table work I will guide you through various movements to see how your body reacts. I will be looking for where your body is moving efficiently and looking for areas where your body’s movement is inhibited.


I will periodically check in with you asking for certain movements pertaining to the focus of the session. Through this, I can begin to gauge your internal experience to help you build awareness of your body.


After your session you may feel different inside of your body. Often after Structural Integration the experience of how one feels in the space they physically occupy has shifted. I will provide you with activities to maintain this physical awareness and to help it become more natural. You may also feel some soreness the following day, this may be unexpected due to the seeming lack of intensity in some of the sessions but is completely normal.



Ideally, female clients wear a sports bra and shorts, and male clients underwear or boxers/shorts.

I would like to have as much access to your skin as possible to help move tissue and work with the fascia, I understand that this may be uncomfortable for some, so wear what allows you to feel most comfortable


Structural Integration is built on a pillar of ten sessions referred to as the Ten-Series™, I highly recommend that most of my clients attend all of these sessions from start to finish for the most effective response to the work. Having said that I do offer what I call "fix-it" work, which simply means that if you are happy with your overall body function and movement we can discuss scheduling as few as 3 sessions to adjust minor issues.


Between 55-70 minutes.

In each session we will strive to meet the goals or objectives that are laid out in the overview of the Ten-series™. Some of these steps may require more or less attention based on what your body is conveying.


$165 per session.